Many people don't realize how much of a difference adding a wooden carport to your house can make. Adding an outdoor storage space like this offers storage and weather protection for all sorts of things, not just your car. If you are thinking about building one, consider the style, as a well built car port can increase the value of your home, especially one that complements or blends in with your existing buildings.
Carports are essentially a covered, non-closed in structure built close to or attached to your house - most often used to protect vehicles from the elements. But housing your car, motorcycle, truck or recreational vehicle are not the only reasons you may want to build a carport. Since they are not closed in, carports are very quick and economical to build. You might decide to build a carport simply for added outdoor covered space, such as a side porch or outdoor dining room.
If you look on line for carport kits, you will probably end up finding that the majority of DIY kits are simple steel carports. These will be sturdier than temporary carport structures, but they leave a lot to be desired in the style department. If you are looking for a wooden carport to complement your house, then you may not be able to find a kit online that you can have delivered. An alternative is to search for wooden carport plans and shop for the materials and construct the building yourself.
Another way of using the internet to help you find carport plans that can be made of wood is to search for images of these types of carports. Once you find an image that you find attractive make a copy. Try to replicate the design yourself. If you lack experience in this type of construction take the image to an experienced contractor. An experienced contractor should be able to build a properly engineered carport from a picture.
There are some metal carports that actually resemble wood. This type of carport is built with 6 by 6 metal legs that resemble timber legs. The finishing work on this type of carport tends to be a little less ornate than that found on real wooden ones. There are advantages and disadvantages to this type of structure. The major disadvantage commonly mentioned is the lack of a construction project feel. Lots of guys relish the idea of getting out the table saw and hammering a few nails. This type of experience is lost if building with pre-formed metal.
Carports are making a big splash at home improvement shows all over the country. There are a lot of contractors discovering a big demand for the product. Wooden carports are the most popular as this type of carport has a classic feel and can add real value to your home.
Carports are essentially a covered, non-closed in structure built close to or attached to your house - most often used to protect vehicles from the elements. But housing your car, motorcycle, truck or recreational vehicle are not the only reasons you may want to build a carport. Since they are not closed in, carports are very quick and economical to build. You might decide to build a carport simply for added outdoor covered space, such as a side porch or outdoor dining room.
If you look on line for carport kits, you will probably end up finding that the majority of DIY kits are simple steel carports. These will be sturdier than temporary carport structures, but they leave a lot to be desired in the style department. If you are looking for a wooden carport to complement your house, then you may not be able to find a kit online that you can have delivered. An alternative is to search for wooden carport plans and shop for the materials and construct the building yourself.
Another way of using the internet to help you find carport plans that can be made of wood is to search for images of these types of carports. Once you find an image that you find attractive make a copy. Try to replicate the design yourself. If you lack experience in this type of construction take the image to an experienced contractor. An experienced contractor should be able to build a properly engineered carport from a picture.
There are some metal carports that actually resemble wood. This type of carport is built with 6 by 6 metal legs that resemble timber legs. The finishing work on this type of carport tends to be a little less ornate than that found on real wooden ones. There are advantages and disadvantages to this type of structure. The major disadvantage commonly mentioned is the lack of a construction project feel. Lots of guys relish the idea of getting out the table saw and hammering a few nails. This type of experience is lost if building with pre-formed metal.
Carports are making a big splash at home improvement shows all over the country. There are a lot of contractors discovering a big demand for the product. Wooden carports are the most popular as this type of carport has a classic feel and can add real value to your home.