It may seem like a contradiction. How do you save money when you have to spend money? Most people look at massage chairs as luxury items. They certainly are luxury items if you really do not need the massage therapy that they can provide. On the other hand, if you do need the massage therapy that they then massage chairs can save you a significant amount of money. Many people suffer from back pain or other conditions that require medical or chiropractic treatment. We all know that health care costs continue to rise. How do you save money buying a massage chair?
If you are already receiving massage therapy, then you know that there is a lot of expense involved. You have to make an appointment. You need to drive to and from the office of the massage therapist. You need to take the time from work or other activities. You need to pay per hour of massage therapist time plus their tip. If you go to a massage therapist a few times a month, the bill could be hundreds of dollars per month. This is thousands of dollars per year.
Some people need to go physical therapy or perhaps a chiropractor. The health care providers help to set you back on the right path of healing your condition. They help you get started with some basic techniques and treatments to help correct the situation. Many of these providers make use or recommend massage therapy as a compliment to your healing process. If you have started a path to recovery then these visits start to add up until you can take over on your own.
Traditional massage therapy has been delivered by humans for centuries. Certainly this is a fantastic method to receive massage therapy. However, massage chairs now provide an alternative that delivers effective massage therapy. These therapeutic recliners range in price from $1,000 to $7,000.
People like to look at sticker prices and judge massage chairs as expensive. Of course anything that costs over a thousand dollars is expensive. On the other hand, they see seventy five dollars per hour for a masseuse and think that is cheap. But let us dig into the real economics of a masseuse versus a massage chair. If we pay $75 with a gratuity of ten dollars then each hours runs us $85.00. Now a good midrange massage chair runs $3,000. Let us suppose we get a weekly massage. How many weeks until we pay for the massage chair? It will take 35 weeks. The thirty five weeks means we received 35 hours of massage therapy.
When we look at the cost of the masseuse on an hourly basis and we a paying $85 dollars. It would take us 35 hours of masseuse hours to purchase a $3,000 massage chair. If we were to buy a massage chair for this price, how much massage therapy would we get. A massage chair in the midrange level of $3,000 would have a machine life of 1,000 hours. That means the massage chair is rated to last 1,000 hours under the warranty period. How much does it cost for an hour of massage therapy? To calculate this, divide the cost of the chair of $3,000 by the 1,000 hour rating and you are paying $3.00 per hour for massage therapy!
The real economics of the massage recliner is that it is a vastly superior value to traditional massage therapy. Obviously, getting a massage from a masseuse has its advantages beyond just the economics. But massage chairs also have some major advantages of availability and accessibility. Not to mention the overwhelming economic advantage. There certainly is tremendous value over the long run with a massage chair.
If you are already receiving massage therapy, then you know that there is a lot of expense involved. You have to make an appointment. You need to drive to and from the office of the massage therapist. You need to take the time from work or other activities. You need to pay per hour of massage therapist time plus their tip. If you go to a massage therapist a few times a month, the bill could be hundreds of dollars per month. This is thousands of dollars per year.
Some people need to go physical therapy or perhaps a chiropractor. The health care providers help to set you back on the right path of healing your condition. They help you get started with some basic techniques and treatments to help correct the situation. Many of these providers make use or recommend massage therapy as a compliment to your healing process. If you have started a path to recovery then these visits start to add up until you can take over on your own.
Traditional massage therapy has been delivered by humans for centuries. Certainly this is a fantastic method to receive massage therapy. However, massage chairs now provide an alternative that delivers effective massage therapy. These therapeutic recliners range in price from $1,000 to $7,000.
People like to look at sticker prices and judge massage chairs as expensive. Of course anything that costs over a thousand dollars is expensive. On the other hand, they see seventy five dollars per hour for a masseuse and think that is cheap. But let us dig into the real economics of a masseuse versus a massage chair. If we pay $75 with a gratuity of ten dollars then each hours runs us $85.00. Now a good midrange massage chair runs $3,000. Let us suppose we get a weekly massage. How many weeks until we pay for the massage chair? It will take 35 weeks. The thirty five weeks means we received 35 hours of massage therapy.
When we look at the cost of the masseuse on an hourly basis and we a paying $85 dollars. It would take us 35 hours of masseuse hours to purchase a $3,000 massage chair. If we were to buy a massage chair for this price, how much massage therapy would we get. A massage chair in the midrange level of $3,000 would have a machine life of 1,000 hours. That means the massage chair is rated to last 1,000 hours under the warranty period. How much does it cost for an hour of massage therapy? To calculate this, divide the cost of the chair of $3,000 by the 1,000 hour rating and you are paying $3.00 per hour for massage therapy!
The real economics of the massage recliner is that it is a vastly superior value to traditional massage therapy. Obviously, getting a massage from a masseuse has its advantages beyond just the economics. But massage chairs also have some major advantages of availability and accessibility. Not to mention the overwhelming economic advantage. There certainly is tremendous value over the long run with a massage chair.
About the Author:
Save Thousands of Dollars on massage treatments. Find out how owning a massage chair is a excellent long term health investment. We carry the Best Shiatsu Massage Chairs from the top Massage Chair brands from Sanyo, Omega, Panasonic, and many other models to choose for your needs
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