Are you having troubles keeping your kids at bay while you're writing that important report you need for the office? Fret no more because the following suggestions are a sure way to keep them busy for hours on end and get them away from the cramming parent:
-Suggest a hobby. You need to find out what exactly does your kids enjoy doing and you need to make sure that they keep doing it. Get them a hobby kit like beads and some strings to get them started making bracelets for themselves. Or, if they're a little bit older, arrange for a scrapbooking kit for them that would sure keep them off your back for a very long time.
-Let them play outside with friends. Good old fashioned games that promote good health and social skills like tag or hide-and-seek are considerably more preferable than to just have them play hours on the videogame or having them watch endless television programs that teach nothing. Make sure that you remain in the area for quick assistance in case of anything, though.
-Scavenger hunt. Yes, a scavenger hunt is actually a great way to teach your kids plenty of lessons while you take a few moments alone for yourself. Of course, you have to prepare for the scavenger hunt very well for this will surely challenge the kids and have them become more engaged with the game.
-Have them help you. If you can't beat them, let them join you. If you're doing something that you can find a way for your child to participate then it's a good way for them to learn more about you and feel involved in family matters. It helps them make mature decisions by observing how you make decisions for the family.
-Provide rewards for a job well done. Rewards a great way to encourage good behaviour. And you have to make sure that a remarkable job must be reciprocated with a reasonable reward. Just be careful not to spoin your child with luxurious promises like a trip to Disney Land for something as simple as walking the dog.
-Suggest a hobby. You need to find out what exactly does your kids enjoy doing and you need to make sure that they keep doing it. Get them a hobby kit like beads and some strings to get them started making bracelets for themselves. Or, if they're a little bit older, arrange for a scrapbooking kit for them that would sure keep them off your back for a very long time.
-Let them play outside with friends. Good old fashioned games that promote good health and social skills like tag or hide-and-seek are considerably more preferable than to just have them play hours on the videogame or having them watch endless television programs that teach nothing. Make sure that you remain in the area for quick assistance in case of anything, though.
-Scavenger hunt. Yes, a scavenger hunt is actually a great way to teach your kids plenty of lessons while you take a few moments alone for yourself. Of course, you have to prepare for the scavenger hunt very well for this will surely challenge the kids and have them become more engaged with the game.
-Have them help you. If you can't beat them, let them join you. If you're doing something that you can find a way for your child to participate then it's a good way for them to learn more about you and feel involved in family matters. It helps them make mature decisions by observing how you make decisions for the family.
-Provide rewards for a job well done. Rewards a great way to encourage good behaviour. And you have to make sure that a remarkable job must be reciprocated with a reasonable reward. Just be careful not to spoin your child with luxurious promises like a trip to Disney Land for something as simple as walking the dog.
About the Author:
Searching for fun family activities for everyone? Be the first to know. Learn more fun family activities and start spending time with your kids now.
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