There are many points of view about whether shopping for designer fashion is better accomplished on the high street or online. I think that it is important to remember that shopping for bargains online and on the high street are both very similar in price. The advantage to the online store owner is that they have less over heads with staff and the usual running costs of a brick and mortar shop, so in theory their prices should be cheaper.
Competition in the retail market has become fierce both online and on the high street. This has provoked a price war for custom at all times of the year and not just at the usual sales periods just after Christmas, these regular sales have started to appear on the online market as well as the high street.
If you like dealing with the everyday hustle and bustle of going down to the shops on a Saturday morning then high street shopping is for you. If you prefer to save money on things like petrol, car parking and even that very expensive cup of coffee in the mall then bargain shopping online is probably your gag.
The major benefit that people think of when high street shopping is concerned is the ability to try on your goods. Of course most reputable online stores have a return policy that is swift and hassle free but the strength of being able to take your goods there and then is enough to win people over.
I personally cannot think of anything worse than being pushed around all day by impatient shoppers and then probably leaving without a bargain. The hassle of the whole thing would make me buy the first thing that I see instead of bargain hunting.
Competition in the retail market has become fierce both online and on the high street. This has provoked a price war for custom at all times of the year and not just at the usual sales periods just after Christmas, these regular sales have started to appear on the online market as well as the high street.
If you like dealing with the everyday hustle and bustle of going down to the shops on a Saturday morning then high street shopping is for you. If you prefer to save money on things like petrol, car parking and even that very expensive cup of coffee in the mall then bargain shopping online is probably your gag.
The major benefit that people think of when high street shopping is concerned is the ability to try on your goods. Of course most reputable online stores have a return policy that is swift and hassle free but the strength of being able to take your goods there and then is enough to win people over.
I personally cannot think of anything worse than being pushed around all day by impatient shoppers and then probably leaving without a bargain. The hassle of the whole thing would make me buy the first thing that I see instead of bargain hunting.
About the Author:
Ruby Shaw has been involvedin fashion and every thing about fashion all her life. Ruby has recently opened an online shop that is full of designer labels at brilliant prices. Ruby imports all her stock herself and posts from within the U.K so you can gaurentee a speedily and reliable delivery.
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