If you are a store owner, you can understand just how difficult it can be to build a beautiful display for your business. You are also likely to have a good grasp on the effect that good retail fixtures can have on your stores success. A retail fixture that is well thought out can not only bring in a larger number of consumers into your shop, but can also enhance your profit levels by helping you to move a larger number of products. A disorganized store, or one that has not been planned and thought out yet, is likely to not place enough importance on and hide products and can turn a customers shopping experience into an ordeal rather than a pleasurable experience as it should be.
Retail displays and fixtures can have several different uses such as promoting items on sale, introducing a range of items for a new shopping season or helping a slow moving item to sell more swiftly. When a customer walks past or in the direction of your retail business, the window display is the 1st thing they look at and therefore the first thing they can judge your store by. This means that your window displays need to be attractive, a reflection of what your business represents and at least partially innovative. A boring or plain ugly window display will only turn away customers or ,more likely, make them cautious and therefore less likely to buy.
Before rushing ahead and assembling your retail fixture, take some time to put together a plan. Are there any special items or ranges that you want the display to highlight or focus on? Is there a holiday shopping season coming up that you need to integrate elements of into your display? Maybe you have some items that are perfectly fine but aren't selling very well; if you can just get people to view them you are sure they'll buy - retail display to the rescue. Try and sketch an outline of your display on paper first so you have an idea of what you need to aim for with the final result, just remember that you are likely to rearrange it at least twice before it comes together and "simply works," so give yourself some flexibility.
There are a few key techniques that can make sure that you end up with an effective retail fixture. An example is balance; putting together an asymmetrical window display is proven to be quite a bit more effective then a symmetrical one because of it standing out more. Color can also give your display a 'mood' or 'tone' so put a bit of thought into its color scheme and what mood or tone it might create for a customer viewing it. Similarly, there needs to be a focal point that draws the signs, prop items and products together. You can use lighting and color to draw attention said focal point - just like with theater productions. Lastly, larger items should be near the front of the display but do not try and squeeze too much in. Keep the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) philosophy in mind; less is more in this case.
So now that you have brought those passing customers into your store with your new window fixtures - what next? Well any decent business will use store fixtures, glass showcases, wooden displays, rotating stands & other types of displays to show off their merchandise and encourage customers to look around and buy. Try to fill each display case, rack or stand with similar ranges or items. You can also try gathering all clearance and sale items in the same displays and placing these products near the front entrance of your store, with the knowledge that they are also likely to buy other, non sale products once they have been attracted by the sale items. This is commonly known as a 'loss leader' within consumer behavior circles. However you lay out your store, try to rotate and change stands and displays once in a while to keep things fresh and to keep giving customers something new to view. Besides, imagine that you had the choice between watching a film you have seen before or a brand new blockbuster one instead, you are a lot more likely to watch the new blockbuster (unless the former option was fantastically, gets better with age, good). If a customer feels that they have seen all that you have to offer in store, there is not much keeping them coming in again.
With a bit of ingenuity and creativeness, you can easily assemble appealing window and in shop fixtures that both attract customers & help sell the products that they hold.
Retail displays and fixtures can have several different uses such as promoting items on sale, introducing a range of items for a new shopping season or helping a slow moving item to sell more swiftly. When a customer walks past or in the direction of your retail business, the window display is the 1st thing they look at and therefore the first thing they can judge your store by. This means that your window displays need to be attractive, a reflection of what your business represents and at least partially innovative. A boring or plain ugly window display will only turn away customers or ,more likely, make them cautious and therefore less likely to buy.
Before rushing ahead and assembling your retail fixture, take some time to put together a plan. Are there any special items or ranges that you want the display to highlight or focus on? Is there a holiday shopping season coming up that you need to integrate elements of into your display? Maybe you have some items that are perfectly fine but aren't selling very well; if you can just get people to view them you are sure they'll buy - retail display to the rescue. Try and sketch an outline of your display on paper first so you have an idea of what you need to aim for with the final result, just remember that you are likely to rearrange it at least twice before it comes together and "simply works," so give yourself some flexibility.
There are a few key techniques that can make sure that you end up with an effective retail fixture. An example is balance; putting together an asymmetrical window display is proven to be quite a bit more effective then a symmetrical one because of it standing out more. Color can also give your display a 'mood' or 'tone' so put a bit of thought into its color scheme and what mood or tone it might create for a customer viewing it. Similarly, there needs to be a focal point that draws the signs, prop items and products together. You can use lighting and color to draw attention said focal point - just like with theater productions. Lastly, larger items should be near the front of the display but do not try and squeeze too much in. Keep the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) philosophy in mind; less is more in this case.
So now that you have brought those passing customers into your store with your new window fixtures - what next? Well any decent business will use store fixtures, glass showcases, wooden displays, rotating stands & other types of displays to show off their merchandise and encourage customers to look around and buy. Try to fill each display case, rack or stand with similar ranges or items. You can also try gathering all clearance and sale items in the same displays and placing these products near the front entrance of your store, with the knowledge that they are also likely to buy other, non sale products once they have been attracted by the sale items. This is commonly known as a 'loss leader' within consumer behavior circles. However you lay out your store, try to rotate and change stands and displays once in a while to keep things fresh and to keep giving customers something new to view. Besides, imagine that you had the choice between watching a film you have seen before or a brand new blockbuster one instead, you are a lot more likely to watch the new blockbuster (unless the former option was fantastically, gets better with age, good). If a customer feels that they have seen all that you have to offer in store, there is not much keeping them coming in again.
With a bit of ingenuity and creativeness, you can easily assemble appealing window and in shop fixtures that both attract customers & help sell the products that they hold.
About the Author:
Rich Ltd build and manufacture Retail Fixtures, POP displays and customized in-store displays. Rich Ltd also sell and manufactures a very wide choice of Sunglass Display units to best display your eye wear merchandise and Hat Display Units to show off headwear and caps.
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