There are many different designs for tires available. There is a common understanding of each type although there is no official designation for each type. Winter, season and performance designs are the main kinds of tires sold. All season tires are the standard tires for most private passenger vehicles. These tires are specifically designed for driving on wet paved as well as dry roads. With a few exceptions, they do not give as good of control or handling in snowy or icy roads. Even the best all season tires do not handle snow and ice as well as the average winter tires. These tires are perfect for people living in the milder climates.
Performance tires are specially meant for the dry or wet roads. These tires are meant to be for almost all normal driving. On the other hand, ultra high performance tires are meant to provide extra safety when driving at high speeds or while performing dangerous maneuvers. These conditions traditionally do not happen outside of a track or race conditions. These types of tires generally wear out in under 10,000 miles.
The high performance tires do not wear out that fast like the ultra high performance ones. Drivers will need such level of control only if they are driving very aggressively. Most of the drivers have been found to prefer the extra handling from normal performance tires. Performance tires are not ideal for driving in snow, mud or ice. This means if you live in the harsher climate, you need to switch out tires when the snow falls.
Snow or winter tires are specially meant for performing in the severe winter conditions. These tires don't get stuck in snow and also maintains connection to the road when driving through icy roads. The softer rubber compound used for making the winter tires gives them extra traction. The winter tires generally wear out quickly due to the softer compound and also makes the tires noisier. Driving on your winter tires through hot summers will quickly wear down the deep tread that helps your tires dig out of the snow rendering them useless for the next winter season. It should be noted that it is not a good idea to put snow tires on only some of your wheels, like the driving wheels. This would cause your other wheels to have much less traction which is very important in steering and breaking.
Many newer classifications have come up in the recent years. Most of these names were created for marketing purposes and may not have any relation to how a tire performs. There are a few designations that have become standard and may be ideal for some shoppers. Like the performance tire most of the characteristics are same with the touring tires. Eco tires are specially designed for getting better gas mileage. These types of designs also provides rougher rides.
Performance tires are specially meant for the dry or wet roads. These tires are meant to be for almost all normal driving. On the other hand, ultra high performance tires are meant to provide extra safety when driving at high speeds or while performing dangerous maneuvers. These conditions traditionally do not happen outside of a track or race conditions. These types of tires generally wear out in under 10,000 miles.
The high performance tires do not wear out that fast like the ultra high performance ones. Drivers will need such level of control only if they are driving very aggressively. Most of the drivers have been found to prefer the extra handling from normal performance tires. Performance tires are not ideal for driving in snow, mud or ice. This means if you live in the harsher climate, you need to switch out tires when the snow falls.
Snow or winter tires are specially meant for performing in the severe winter conditions. These tires don't get stuck in snow and also maintains connection to the road when driving through icy roads. The softer rubber compound used for making the winter tires gives them extra traction. The winter tires generally wear out quickly due to the softer compound and also makes the tires noisier. Driving on your winter tires through hot summers will quickly wear down the deep tread that helps your tires dig out of the snow rendering them useless for the next winter season. It should be noted that it is not a good idea to put snow tires on only some of your wheels, like the driving wheels. This would cause your other wheels to have much less traction which is very important in steering and breaking.
Many newer classifications have come up in the recent years. Most of these names were created for marketing purposes and may not have any relation to how a tire performs. There are a few designations that have become standard and may be ideal for some shoppers. Like the performance tire most of the characteristics are same with the touring tires. Eco tires are specially designed for getting better gas mileage. These types of designs also provides rougher rides.
About the Author:
I am a car enthusiast who enjoys writing about cars and automotive repair. In my spare time, I contribute and hang out at you can visit the site here. Save money at our Bosley coupons.
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