So This Is Christmas

Merry Christmas is such an infectious feeling I like to feel that way all year around.

So if you are visiting just before Christmas, just after Christmas or even here on Christmas day I am sure you will find something of interest for you and in the spirit of Christmas.

It may be said that Christmas is no longer a celebration but this must be spoken by people that have never had trouble closing their eyes on Christmas Eve in an expectation of what maybe left for them on the carpet under the tree.

I continue to look forward to the surprise on my Grandchild's faces to this day at Christmas events.

Merry Christmas - Merry Christmas - Merry Christmas

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Choosing a Food Mixer Speed for Better Preparation

By Moses Harun

There is no way that a particular mixing option will work when preparing each kind of food. Every food mixer will need to function differently for different forms of food. Providentially, most mixers can have a variety of different food mixer speeds. A range of available speeds is necessary because they increase the flexibility of a typical mixer, such as a copper Kitchenaid Mixer.

The slower speeds are normally intended to be used for thicker types of foods. As an example, mixers that have dough hooks must have the ability to turn at lower speeds when they are in operation. This is so that the dough hook can be allowed to knead the bread dough at the correct speed and the dough shall be properly mixed.

If you are mixing other kinds of foods, greater speeds are more effective. Cake batters need to be combined at a high speed to smooth out the batter properly. Egg whites require the quickest possible mixing to force enough oxygen into them for a respectable meringue base. When combining flour with your mixture, though, you should at first blend the flour in slowly and gradually to prevent it from being blown over the rim of the bowl. A good brand and color of food mixers is the copper Kitchenaid Mixer, available in many sizes and styles.

One more consideration for mixing speeds is that certain speeds are used forindividual attachments. Dough hooks are designed to move on low settings and are sturdy enough to push through thicker foods. Wire whisks, on the other hand, are ineffective at low speeds and need to mix foods at high speeds.

Of course it is recommended that the speeds may be effectively controlled. A better quality mixer will feature speeds which are able to be controlled through the use of a simple knob or button system. The controls really need to be large enough to turn or press easily. This also needs to be easy to read because each machine will offer several different speeds.

Another point concerning different speeds; it will be important to make sure that a mixer has a good number of speeds. Some economy mixers will offer about four or five available speeds but at the same time the highest end mixers usually work with up to ten speeds. No matter what style of mixer you buy, it will very likely offer a variety of speeds.

The wattage that the mixer requires can make a difference too. High wattage mixers will usually be powerful enough to offer more speeds.

Food mixer speeds are going to be particularly important when using any mixer, such as the copper Kitchenaid Mixer. The speeds should be versatile enough for different types of functions. The speeds should be properly controlled and easy to read. it is effective to work with these speeds so your mixer is more versatile and useful.

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1 comment:

سونجول said...

لا داعي للقلق بعد اليوم ، فقط اعتمد علينا – عميلنا الكريم – في تنظيف قطع الأثاث خاصتك و أهمها الكنب الذي هو يمثل صعوبة في تنظيفه بالشكل اليدوي ، فلا يصلح استخدام قطع من القماش المبللة لتنظيفه ، لابد من الاستعانة بالماكينات الحديثة التي تعتمد علي تقنية التنظيف بالبخار
تنظيف خزانات بجدة
تنظيف خزانات بجدة
حلم كل سيده وفتاه ان يكون بيتها دائما نظيف ومنسق ومرتب تشعر بداخله بالراحه والاستقرار
ولكن كي نحصل على هذه النظافه تتطلب منا بعض الوقت والمجهودولكنها عملية لابد منها
فالبيت النظيف كما كانو يقولون الاجداد هو دليل ع نظافة اصحاب البيت وان البيت النظيف
يساعد على الراحة النفسيه فيكون له تأثير ايجابي على صحة الانسان وينعكس عليه بالراحه
والطمأنينه والشعور بالاستقرا فاليكي بعض النصائح لتساعدك على عملية التنظيف
اولا في الصباح تهوية الغرف جيدا وفتح الشبابيك لدخول الشمس وتغيير هواء المكان
ثانيا ترتيب كل شئ بمكانه تنظيمه حتى يظهر المنزل بمنظهر انيق ومرتب
ثالثا المطبخ يجب التخلص من بواقي الاطعمه اول باول حتى لا تنتشر الجراثيم ويجب تنظيف الاواني جيدا اول باول
رابعا جمع الملابس المتسخه ووضعها بالمكان المخصص لها
خامسا تنظيف الحمامات دائما ووضع المعطر بها وتغيير مناشف الحمام كل يوم حتى يصبح نظيف دائما
سادسا تنظيفك للمنزل ازاله الغبار والاتربه من السجاد والستائر فيجب عليك غسلهم جيرا بالماء والصابون
وهناك الغسل بالبخار فهو من التقنيات الحديثه التي تم استخدامها في تنظيف المنزل فيساعد على نظافه البيت
والسجاد والستائر والحفاظ عليهم
واذا كان هناك حديقه بالمنزل ايضا يجب مراعاة تنظيفها جيدا
ورشها والاهنمام بها حتى يظهر المنزل بمظهر انيق ونظيف.
وعليكي سييدتي استخام الماء والصابون ومساحيق التنظيف المخصصه لهذه الاعمال حتى تساعدك على التنظيف والتعقيم
وظهور المنزل بمظر نظيف ومرتب ومعط ينبعث منه الروائح الجميله

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